
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Inspired by Love Letters--"Heart of Gold" Classic Kit

Happy Tuesday!  This week the design team is scrapping using "Love Letters" as our inspiration. Today I'm going to be showcasing LETTERS in my layout using the "Heart of Gold" Classic Kit.  (I think there are still a couple of these kits available to purchase in the store!)

I like to use all different sorts of letters & fonts on my layouts. I also love using different medium, from Thickers, to stickers, to hand lettering.  It's a good thing the Noel Mignon kits are packed with letters each month!!!  

Let's start with the title of my page...I mixed the gold & white Thickers that came in this month's kit with some small alphabet stickers that I had in my stash.  I really like to mix and match the fonts and LETTERS in my titles.  I think it adds interest and is visually appealing.  I added a little text with the Pink Paislee washi strip that reads "capture the everyday" as well.

Next up is the journaling...I like to hand journal, because I think it is important to have my own hand writing on my layouts.  I like the look of typed journaling as well---but it is so much quicker to hand journal, so I occasionally type, but not very often.  I paired the frame that reads "today" along with a sticker that reads "together" to complete my journaling block for this layout.  I like the adding small details to the journaling block because I think it makes it look a little more interesting and dimensional.   

And finally, the last LETTERS appear in a banner at the top of my layout that reads "sweet".  This sticker is from the Crate Paper Sticker sheet that came in the kit.  I added this banner because the layout is about Slurpees, which are, or course, SWEET!!!  So this sticker fit the theme of the page perfectly.

Thank you so much for joining me today and checking out all of the ways I like to incorporate LETTERS on my layouts.  Stop by all week to see how the design team is inspired by "Love Letters" on their layouts.