
Monday, February 1, 2016

Perfectly Paired...Pink & Black- "Heart of Gold" Classic Kit

Hello!  It's February which means we are breaking into our February "Heart of Gold" kits!!!  This week, in honor of Valentine's Day, our layouts are going to be "perfectly paired".  Some things just go together, like salt & pepper, peanut butter & jelly, etc.  It is like they are MADE for each other... The design team will creating layouts using items that have perfectly paired items as well!!!

My layout this week will feature the "Paris" theme and the colors pink & black.  I think that pink & black just seem to go with the Paris motif.  If you start with the A sides, then look to the B sides of a handful of the papers from the "Heart of Gold" Classic kit, you will find some pinks and blacks...they go together so well, that they matched the photos I had of my daughter's 9th birthday party last summer...

I couldn't have asked for better paper to use for these pictures!  All of the various shades of pink and grey matched perfectly. 

I feel like these papers & embellishments were made for my pictures!

I used the wooden heart veneer and inked it pink to match the layout as well.  Sometimes I leave the wood veneers their "natural" color, and other times I will alter them to match my layout, by painting, misting, or inking them.  They are so versatile.

I only used stickers from the sticker sheet that were black, grey, or pink, and left the other color stickers out to use on other layouts.

I only pulled the die cuts and embellishments that stuck with my color scheme to use on this layout, such as the pink hearts, pink enamel dots, pink quartz stones, and the pink Memory Keepers clip.

Although this month's kit is called "Heart of Gold" I find that is is very versatile for pulling out alternate color schemes, and can be used for a variety of layout themes...and that is what I love about Noel's kits...they are so versatile and packed with goodness.  
Thanks for looking today, stop back later this week to see how the rest of the design team uses "perfectly Paired" items on their layouts.


  1. your work is AMAZING! and your photography is out of this world. I have always loved using collages on my pages too.

  2. This is terrific! Love the pink and black together.
