
Saturday, March 26, 2016

Special Someones

When you think about the term "special someone" you might think about your spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend.

When I think of that term this week I think of any of my loved ones.

My father-in-law passed away this week and it has been hard but I am grateful that we were close enough that I am able to feel sad at his passing because I love him so much.

My layout this week (since I created it last week with some extra time that I definitely didn't have this week) is not about him, however, though I do feel the need to scrap a page about him soon. My page is about two of my kids and how I love when they show love and kindness to each other.

I used the Picture Perfect Classic kit as well as some shop items.

I thought that it would be fun to mix some shop items with this beautiful kit. For this page I used the American Crafts rub-on rollers, Crate Paper cardstock and puffy stickers and Pink Paislee cork hearts. 

Here you can see how I layered lots of the Crate Paper stickers by sticking some under my photo and using dimensional adhesive on others. 

I thought this little Crate deer was so cute and I love the touches of gold in the sticker pack. You can see also how I layered the tags and added the floral rub-on tape. I was skeptical about this roller but it actually goes on so smoothly. I would love to add more of these to my collection. 

I especially enjoyed adding lots of these little phrase stickers to my page to accentuate points of my journaling. 

Thanks for stopping by today. 

I hope this week's posts will inspire you to document your feelings about loved ones and more than that I hope you will TELL them you love them. We just never know how much time we will have with them. 



  1. Love the layout- the different lines meshed perfectly together! Sorry though to hear of your father in laws passing. Keeping your family in my thoughts.
