
Saturday, March 5, 2016

Taking the Challenge


When I read about what we were going to have to do for this week's Leap of Faith challenge I was a little bit nervous.

I thought that maybe I could try some plaster of paris technique but that wouldn't really put me too far out of my comfort zone.

I stewed about I could try and decided to give pocket scrapbooking a try.

I am a cards and layouts type of paper crafter. I can do those okay, I think, but hadn't ever really tried with pocket scrapbooking but figured it couldn't be TOO hard, right?


I have seen the designers here and elsewhere do such a beautiful job with their spreads and while it isn't my favorite project to date I was glad that I rose to the challenge to try something new.

Here is my page:

I had some pocket page sheet protectors in my stash so I started off with that, trying to figure out how to create my design from there. I treated each 4x6 spot as kind of a tiny layout to feature these Christmas pictures of my girls. 

Because I had these tiny slots on the left edge I found bits of paper, stickers and other things to fill those up. I stapled the punched hearts together because I thought that looked better than the hearts in a big pile in the slot. 

One of my favorite parts of the Heart of Gold kit was the Crate Paper stickers. Some received stickers from a different line but I love that I got these ones! I used lots to dress up the title block and other parts of the spread. I also spiced things up a little with the silver bow, enamel dots, a wooden heart and lots of strips from the Pink Paislee washi tape book. 

I think this turned out okay for my first try at pocket page scrapbooking. I don't know that I will switch over to it permanently but I do think I would be willing to give it a go some other time. 

What have you challenged yourself to try lately? 

We'd love to see over at the Noel Mignon Member Facebook group. 

Have a fantastic weekend!

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