
Thursday, April 7, 2016

Lets Get Sketchy!!!

Happy Monday Everyone!
This month the Design Team has been invited to play along with the 
Lets Get Sketchy Sketch

Here is the sketch

and here is a process video & the layout of what I created!

Lets Get Sketchy has a wonderful Design Team, and if you head over to the Lets Get Sketchy Blog you can see their take on this sketch!

And guess what?!!! Noel Mignon is sponsoring this months challenge, and do you know what that means? She is generously donating one of her kits as a prize to the winner of this months challenge! 

To play along, head over to Lets Get Sketchy and use the sketch to create you layout, then link it up over on the sidebar! 

Remember you can't win a gorgeous Noel Mignon Kit if you don't play along!

And if you like NOEL'S kits, she just posted openings for subscribers for the July - December 2016 Kits so rush over there before her subscriptions fill up!

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