
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Happy Days: Documented

I don't know about you, but I have LOVED playing with the Happy Days Classic Kit this month. The colors and icons just lift my spirits every time I thumb through them!

This week on the blog the design team is tackling a challenge called "Against the Grain." For this challenge we are to use wood or woodgrain on our project. I LOVE woodgrain, so I was really excited to take this one on!


I'm still working on the Lake photos and had these somewhat "boring" snapshots to scrap. I say they are boring because unless you were there, it's a little hard to tell what is going on in the photos ... yet, they are important to me because this is what the kids do all week when we are at Lake Powell, swim and hangout. Ha!

When I am picking out what papers to pull from the kit to use for a page, I hold up my photos to each sheet and take out any that look good with the pictures. It's always a fun exercise because a lot of times the patterns end up combining themselves in an interesting way that I wouldn't have otherwise thought of doing. Try it! Go with your gut and see what papers start combining themselves together for your set of photos! You would never guess all these soft colors were pulled out of the bright Happy Days Classic Kit at first glance, now would you?

When placing my photos I tend to place them together in rows. This time, I went with a vertical column and placed the title in between the bottom two photos.

From there, I choose where to put my journaling and then arrange the embellishments and other elements to tie everything together. For this page, I sprinkled embellishments on an upward diagonal line through the column of photos to connect the title and the journaling together. The upward diagonal also moves your eye through the page and adds an interesting energy.

The colors and patterns of this page ended up quite ethereal ... which prompted me to add a bit of white mist ... I just love the dreamy effect it adds here!

Have fun creating this week! I know it is busy in the summertime, but make some time for yourself to do some crafting. You will love it! See you again soon!

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