
Friday, June 17, 2016


Hey guys, Michelle here! Summer vacation has officially begun today at my house!! And that's perfect since this week's theme is "Splish Splash"! We haven't headed to the pool yet (and it's been a bit chilly around here the last week) but I did have some photos from last year to scrap. 
These photos were from our trip to Disneyland last summer. We splurged and stayed at the Disneyland Hotel which has 2 water slides and a huge pool! So I pulled out my GoPro to get some fun shots of my kids in the water. 

By the way, after getting my GoPro last year I totally understand the appeal. It's pretty cool to get some great water photos and videos and my older kids took turns taking videos of themselves jumping into the pool & doing crazy stuff :)
I took a bunch of pics of my youngest jumping into pool so I did a couple filmstrip-like photo collages - including a couple from underwater (yay for waterproof cameras!!)

I can't wait to get some fun summer pool pics this summer!!! 

Layout created with the Happy Days Classic Kit

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