
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Summer Lovin' Kits: Soak Up the Sun

Happy Wednesday! Jana Eubank here. This past week I have been creating projects with a combination of both the Summer Lovin' Classic Kit and Summer Lovin' Daily Diary Kit.

I'll be sharing all of them on my blog over the coming week, so be sure to check in there! Today, I'm sharing a page I created for our design team "Vacation Time" challenge, which was to pull out those neglected vacation photos and get them on paper. Here is what I came up with! (For a process video of this page, scroll to the bottom of this post.)


Every year we go to Lake Powell with my family. We stay on a houseboat for a week and just relax and play in the water. It is magical! However, because it's a yearly tradition ... I tend to neglect scrapbooking those memories. I've been making a focused effort this summer to get as many of them done and in our books as I can.

The color scheme I went with on this page are the juicy, citrus colors of orange, yellow, and lime green. Very summer-y, don'tcha think?!

I love the little rainfall of circles to the left of the title card using the wood veneer circle and Bradz. Especially that adorable smiley face!

The wood veneer sunglasses and camera flair were the perfect icons to accent these photos of the lake.

And how cute is that little crab die cut from Imaginisce. I have LOVED all of the Imaginisce Sunny collection items we got to play with in this month's kits. I couldn't get enough of them!

Here is one last look at my page. If you would like to hear my thought process as I created this page, be sure to check out the process video below.

Have a great week!

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