
Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Watercoloring with the Summer Lovin' Daily Diary Kit

Hello and Happy Tuesday! Hope you all had a fun Fourth of July! 
Lynn here to share this week's challenge: Watercolor - right up my alley!! We were to use Distress Crayons, two of which are included in this month's Classic Kit, or any watercolors on our projects. I'm using the Summer Lovin' Daily Dairy Kit which is absolutely gorgeous this month!! I am a Ranger Junkie so I have every Distress Crayon (so far) in my stash!! I focused on the Simple Stories components from the DD Kit. Here's my page.
I water colored a background on three of the pocket cards. I used three Distress Crayons: Picked Raspberry, Mustard Seed and Spiced Marmalade. I used watercolor cardstock and sprayed the cards with water. I then scraped some of the crayon on my craft sheet and added water to that. I picked up each color from the craft sheet with a brush and blended them onto the watered cardstock - the colors move and blend together nicely. Two of these cards were used for photo backgrounds and the third you will see shortly. Here's close ups of the cards.
I stamped the dates on my title card with one of my MANY date stamps! 
Here's more close ups. The card of the left below has the watercolor background but it doesn't show up well in the photo.
You can see the background on the card below. The colors blend in nicely with the collection from Simple Stories.
Here's a close up of the water colored background.
Here's a few more close ups. you can see the water colored background on the card below. 
These are the last two cards.
Thanks so much for stopping by and we hope we've inspired you to try watercoloring on my projects!! 
Have a great week!!

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