
Monday, October 10, 2016

{Scraplift Challenge} with the "Falloween" Classic Kit

Happy Monday!  It's Meridy here with a layout to share with you using the October 2016 "Falloween" Classic Kit.  This week the Design Team is scraplifting either another design team member, or a current Noel Mignon subscriber.  I choose to scraplift one of our designers, Jana Eubank.  Her layouts are lovely and she works in a style similar to mine.  

I created this double page layout using her single page layout as inspiration.  

This is the layout that I choose to scraplift, I really liked the diagonal line across the top portion.

I took my main inspiration from the diagonal line, and recreated the layout using the photos that I had.  They were not the same sizes and orientation, but I was able to use what I had and not worry about it looking exactly the same.

I also mimicked the design on the right side of the layout.  I didn't want to make the right side identical to the left side, so I changed it up a bit.  

I kept the title placement the same as it was in my inspiration piece and added a few embellishment clusters.  I got rid of the journaling on the left side of my layout, and included it on the right side of the layout instead.  

I also included a "secondary" title on the right hand side.  I replaced one of the "o"'s in "Spooky" with  chipboard spider web embellishment.  I thought it would be a cute touch on the layout. 

I created small embellishment clusters, just like Jana's inspiration layout.  And when I was just about done, I decided I wanted to add a few ink splatters for the finishing touch.

Thank you for stopping by the blog today.  Come back all week and see if the Design Team scraplifted YOU!!!


  1. Awww! Thanks for lifting me, Meridy! I love your take on it! And I love how you were able to stretch the design into a two-pager by using both portions of the diagonally cut patterned paper on each side of the spread. So clever!

  2. Thank you for inspiring me, Jana! I always love your work :)
