
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

All Fall Kits: Feeding the Birds

Happy Wednesday, friends! Jana Eubank here. I'm tackling the Recipe Challenge this week where we were to use the following on our project:  1 sheet of cardstock, 2 alphabets, 3 photos, 4 patterned papers, and 5 embellishments.

I did squeeze in an additional wood button and some photo corners, but I have to say, I followed the recipe almost exactly and love what I was able to come up with. Here are my results!


I created this page about my son feeding three lost baby birds using elements from both the All Fall Classic kit and All Fall Daily Diary kit and a sheet of white cardstock from my stash for the base.

My one piece of cardstock is the white cardstock I pulled from my stash. I used some distressing stamps by Stampin' Up (Watercolor Wash and Gorgeous Grunge) to add the ink splotches to the background.

The two alphabets I used are from the All Fall Classic kit. While I was building this page, I kept singing the Mary Poppins song, "Feed the Birds" in my head ... so that is what I went with for my title. Ha!

I have three photos on this page. One of my son feeding the lost baby birds, one of the birds, and one of the mother feeding her babies once she had figured out where they had gone off to.

For the four pieces of patterned paper, I used one to mat the photos and then layered three strips together as a band across the page.

For my five embellishments I used five chipboard leaves from the All Fall Daily Diary kit. I also added in a wood circle embellishment and some gold photo corners from my stash ... but you're okay I threw those in, right?! :)

I used the green glitter dots from the Thicker alpha stickers as embellishments, but I'm counting those as part of my two alphabets. :)

I hope you feel inspired to create something this week. Give our recipe challenge a try. It was fun to use these guidelines to think a bit differently about my page elements as I was putting this together ... and I think you'll have fun trying it to!

Have a great week!

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