
Friday, September 22, 2017

Small Town Bar: Study Guide DD Kit

Hi!  Sarah here with another layout using the September Study Guide daily diary kit.  This week I'm documenting a small bar that is in our small town.  My girlfriends and I decided to go check it out one night and as we sat down, we took a fun little picture of us being a little nervous about going to a new place (spoiler alert: we had a blast!).

I really like the ombre paper and the effect it makes on the page.  I kept everything centered so you can really see that paper.

I didn't have an "R" in the Thickers, so I used a "P" and added on a piece from another letter to make the R work for me.  I loved using the layers above the title.

There was a piece from the cut apart sheet that had "Let the ADVENTURES begin" and I just loved that for a spin on this topic!  I used two stickers from a sticker sheet that were intended to be labels or banners and used them as layers under the photo.

I loved being able to use the globe on this layout.  Even though it's not a travel themed page, I used it since we were going to a certain place.  It worked nicely!

Thank you so much for joining me today!  We would love to see how you're using your September kits, please post them in the facebook group so we can see them!

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