
Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Post 3 of December Daily using the Gingerbread and Peppermint Daily Diary

Less than a week before Christmas!  It's hard to believe the month and the holiday season are winding down already.  I have lost a little steam the last week, but have new entries to share today.  Just missing a few days over the last weekend that I haven't put together. 

This week I went through the last year of Noel Mignon kits and pulled out the number stickers from past kits.  A great way to use up some of those numbers :)  I also continued the simple approach to my spreads to get it done. 

Day 12:  My sons holiday band concert.  I thought the jingle bells 4x6 card was appropriate and I used washi tape to attach it to the side of the photos. 

It swings open and I included a strip of pattern paper, a chipboard star, and journaling

Days 13 and 14

Day 13:  I enlarged a photo.  It was taken with my cell phone and came out quite grainy, but I loved this shot so much I went with it.  The journaling I added in Photoshop before printing.  I then added the chipboard embellishment to the top with numbers from a past kit.  

I finished off the text with a few word strip stickers and a puffy red sticker (from a past kit).  

I decided to include another small half page for Day 14.  The journaling and 3x4 card are on the top of the half page.  

I backed the half page with woodgrain paper from the paper pack.  The gold foil stickers are from a past kit.  

Day 15:  Another enlarged photo.  I added the title and text in Photoshop before printing and simply added the numbers and a small puffy sticker from the kit.  

Day 16:  I had a lot of photos to add for Saturday.  I again went to the washi tape to create hinges for a fold out of pictures.  

There you have it.  I have so much enjoyed sharing my entries so far in my album and it has really pushed me to try and get my pages done every couple of days. 

Thanks for stopping by! 

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