
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

December Daily wrap up with the Gingerbread and Peppermint Daily Diary

January 2nd.  Crazy right?!  Time never slows down and with the passing of the holidays and ringing in the new year I finished up my December Daily album.  At one point in the midst of the madness that is Christmas I almost tossed in the towel.  I am so glad I stuck it out!  The big key was keeping it simple. 

Day 17:  A look at the advent calendars my little guy used this year to count down to the big day. 

Day 18:  I decorated the sugar cookies with a little help from my youngest.  

Day 19:  I finished up an ornament for the tree and a memory of my mom.

Day 20:  My oldest and I finished up some homemade Christmas gifts for his friends.  

Day 21:  My little guy couldn't wait for Christmas to give me his present from school.  A new ornament to hang on the tree with ribbon inside that is his height right now. 

Day 22:  An annual Christmas party with good friends.  

Day 23:  Steve our elf brought us "tickets" to go see a movie together.  

Day 24:  I included our family photos this year that I never made into Christmas cards.

And at long last Christmas morning arrived.  Day 25:  A few snapshots I took of the boys.  I don't take a lot of pictures this day so I can soak in all the goodness of the day.  

And there you have it my December Daily for 2017.  

I'm still figuring out how exactly I'm going to bind it together.  My wire rings are a little small so if I go that route I will need to get wider rings.  For now though it is stacked neatly on a shelf with my other albums and I'm calling it done.  I love looking at the stack of albums that document our Christmas season.  

Thanks so much for stopping by the blog today.  I will be back next week with projects using the new January kit.  I'm so excited that mine came today!

Happy Scrapping!

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