
Monday, March 5, 2018

{Disney Day 4} layout with the "You Go Girl" Classic Kit

Hello friends, it's Monday with Meridy.  Today I am sharing a layout I made with my new "You Go Girl" Classic Kit.  Before I even received my kit in the mail, I could tell from the photos of it that it would go wonderfully with my Disneyland photos.  And I was right!  I have already pulled photos for 6 Disneyland layouts to make with this kit...perfection! 

Today's layout was really inspired by a Stuck Sketches sketch, found here (the second sketch in this link).  The layout is of our 4th day in Disneyland, our Alice in Wonderland outfit day.

I started by pulling bits and pieces from the kit that really coordinated with the colors in my photo.  Then I went to the sketch to cut the banner background shape,the washi scallop across the top, and the small embellishment cluster placement on the upper left.

Next, it was time for me to start layering scraps of paper and washi strips under the photo, and pile on the embellishments.

My "day 4" title was a chipboard sticker that read "today", so I trimmed off the "to" part and it was perfect!  Adding embellishments went pretty quickly on this layout because there were so many beautiful ones that really matched the colors in the photo so well.

The butterflies were cut from a patterned paper in the kit, and I popped the wings up with pop dots, to add a little dimension.

I have absolutely LOVED working with this kit and my Disneyland photos this past week, I can't wait to share more of my creations with you over the next few weeks.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Absolutely stunning! Your designs are always inspiring!

  2. I just love how you layer and layer and layer and it never looks "too much". You and Susan inspire me to layer more! And the outfits - OH MY GOSH GIRL!!!
    Thanks for sharing.
