
Monday, March 19, 2018

{Meeting Belle} Layout with the "You Go Girl" Classic Kit

Hello, it's Meridy here, and I have another Disney layout to share with you using the "You Go Girl" Classic Kit.  I loved the butterfly paper that came in the kit, and I immediately knew I wanted to fussy cut the butterflies from the paper.  So that's what I did for today's layout.

I popped the butterfly wing up with small pop dots to add dimention.  Naturally, the butterflies are the focal point of ths layout but I also used a couple of layers layered some cardstock with packaging from the embellishments.  I used a piece of the gold washi to seperate the patterned paper on the top portion of the layout from the bottom portion of cardstock.

I stamped the journaling lines right onto the layout and added a few phrase stickers around the photo.

I created my title with a stamped tag I made and the mini alphabet stickers from last month's kit.  I used some stickers and a small strip of the bow washi from the kit to embellish my title.

The layout itself is really fairly simple, since the butterflies add such a punch.  Thank you so much for stopping by!!!

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