
Thursday, June 7, 2007

Just Paint It!

When I discovered paint, I discovered the endless possibilities of my supplies. With paint, it doesn't matter what color alphabet I buy, or what color my chipboard embellishments are in the box. If I need a different color, I simply paint it! For me, it makes more since to invest in a good supply of paint--including lots of colors instead of buying one chipboard alphabet in every color. For instance, when I decided to do this layout about my favorite color, I wanted all the elements to be some shade of purple. Problem was, I didn't have the right letters in that shade. So I took some blue and red chipboard letters and painted them purple. And when I decided I wanted to use the mesh on the page, I knew it would need paint since it was bright red!
I often use paint for acrylic accents as well. By painting the back of these letters, I created the look of ready made blue acrylic letters.
And by painting the heart on this layout, I created the look of a ready made red acrylic heart.
Use paint to modify any of your supplies--the colors we use aren't always what's sold at the store, but you can customize any of your embellishments to fit your layout perfectly!


  1. awesome tutorial know as crazy as it sounds...i have never thought to paint my acrylic embellies' {slaps head}

  2. Great article Ash! I just used paint on a LO for the first time and I'm in love....ooh la la! :-)
