
Friday, June 22, 2007

Touching up light stamps

So how many times has this happened to you? You are finishing up a layout and your last step is to place a stamp on a corner or edge. When you lift your stamp part of it has not inked dark enough and now you feel like you LO is not quite perfect. Well, I have found a super quick and easy fix for that problem! It's called Pen Nibs!!

Just dip the tip of your per nib in your matching ink so it is nice and covered.

Then you can use the fine tip of the nib like a pen to carefully fill in the area of your stamped image. are fixed up and your stamp looks just how you envisioned! It was a total fluke that I bought these. They sat in my drawer for a good 6 months until I remembered them, and figured out that is what they were for, and now I love these little guys!


  1. you sell those?...i've never seen that before and i thought i have seen it all

  2. I just got my Ranger catalog...I'm thinking about getting some. Pretty handy..huh?!
