
Sunday, June 24, 2007

U're a HOOT!!

I just couldn't wait to get my grubby little hands on these guys. I have been hounding Noel and stalking her via email EVERYDAY since i found out she placed the order for them. Finally Oliver and Friends showed up to her house and I started stalking my mailman like a crazy woman.

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Supplies used:
Scenic Route Laurel Collection; Ranger ink in Fired Brick Red and Vintage photo; American Crafts Chipboard Thickers in Black; 7 gypsies Sushi 8x8 pack; advocado green vintage lace ribbon (something you would see on the brady bunch ;); Hero Arts Bling and of course Oliver and Friends acrylic stamp from Sassafrass lass.


  1. OMG!!! This LO is a hoot. Loving the owls for o' creative! Great pic of the kiddos too!

  2. i figured i would keep the colors jan brady style...bwhahahahaha

  3. that's right!...Greta...Greta...Greta.... when is it ever going to be about "JAN"!! bwwahaahaa
