
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

"I Am" (Madeline Kit)

This kit is one that keeps on "giving."

I played today while the kids were at Mom's Day Out with the last bit of my Madeline kit. (Psssst- there are only 7 left- AND they are on sale.)

Since I didn't really know what to put on here for a photo, and since I had this cool photo that I took recently that I wanted to use somehow, I figured they kind of fitted together.... kind of symbolizing the blooming thoughts I have- if you want to go down that cheesy road. ;)

Everything on here is from the Madeline kit except for that crocheted lace from my Grams, the graph paper, the binder clip, and the American Crafts Glitter Thickers (I think I have just about every color and am now trying to collect every font in these. I just love them. You can find some here.)


  1. Wow Virginia, this is very inspiring! I love how you layer!

  2. I love your cheesy photo! ;) What a great idea to use a photo like that to symbolize your thoughts! I love how everything is attached together with a binder clip and tucked behind the photo . . . like a little treasure to open!
