
Friday, August 1, 2008

Final project & Thank you

First of all, I just want to thank Noel for the opportunity to be her Guest Designer for July. I received a truly amazing amount of amazing goodies to create with and I appreciate it very much. Thanks!
My final project is a little something for the classroom. I have always thought these man and woman chipboard pieces by Scenic Route looked like something you'd see on a bathroom door. That gave a thought...why not create a classroom bathroom pass out of them. I modge podged the paper and then the chipboard man and woman afterwards in hopes that it will be sturdier. I kept them very simple. Gotta think about those little hands fiddling with it. I chalked the eges and tied on some ribbon to finish it. The wooden door hangers were a little something I picked up at Hobby Lobby for 49 cents each. Hopefully someday I'll find a teaching job and be able to use these in my own classroom.


  1. Well those are stinkin' adorable and what a great idea! Thanks so much Jennifer, it was great having you for the month and you are an awesome scrapper!! HUGS!

  2. Such a cute idea! Thanks for inspiring us for the month, Jennifer! It was a pleasure seeing all of your gorgeous projects!

  3. {{{hugs girly}}}} thank you for the amazing amount of work you did with us... You are a fantastic scrapper and i get lots of inspo from you!!

    and umm yeah...that is a genius idea and i am wondering if i should make some for mason's teacher..that would be precious... You rock sista!!


  4. What an adorable idea!!! You did such a fantastic job!!!
