
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Are you having fun with the new challenge?

Have you yearbooked yourself?

Well here if you haven't please get on it - it is so much fun!

For the challenge - I did scrap a school picture - it just happens to be when I was pregnant with my daughter.

Because I am a teacher, we always get our picture taken at the same time as the kiddos. This time we were taking Spring pictures (hence the background) and I was blissfully and comfortably prego with my daughter. I had to scrap it!

That is all for now!
Michelle Lanning


  1. look how cute you were when you was preggo....

    dang i wish i was that cute pregnant...i looked like sassquatch (sp?)

    love the use of that ML kit...when beuatiful with this pic...

  2. Love your design on this and I were way cute when you were pregnant! I was a

  3. Cute pic of you! Love the way you used the kit! :D The way the transparencies peek out, the layered flowers, the buttons, the little bow . . . perfection!
