
Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A Good Laugh at My Expense!

Noel is hosting a School Days challenge HERE. To add to our fun, she sent us a link called "Yearbook Yourself." You are able to transpose your face onto hairstyles from the different decades. Silly me, actually decided to scrap this goofy pic! I may not have graduated in the 70's, but I was a child of this cool decade! Don't ya remember how hot John Travolta was in Saturday Night Fever? Or the Bionic Man? Remember when kids actually played outside? Steal the Bacon, Ghost in the Graveyard? Avocado Green appliances? My bedroom was actually bright orange and yellow! (And I liked it!) Wide pants, pointed collars? Long straight, parted hair? So even though the pic is a bit silly, it did make me go back in time and remember bits from my childhood! The kit I used for this LO, is the awesome Homeroom Kit! It is currently sold out, but the Extra Credit Kit is still available!
I also made a card using some of my smaller pieces left from the Homeroom Kit. I used my Cricut machine to cut the basket. (Which is cut from "yummy" October Afternoon paper!) The black DP is also in the kit. The ticket happened to be on my desk and I thought it "worked" on this card!


  1. I am totally in love with your LO! The journaling is so perfect. I to have so many 70's memories. Holly Hobby, The muppet Show, our station wagon with the wood paneled sides...hahaha!

    Your card is just adroable too!


  2. ohh you woulda been one hot momma in the 70's girl! Love the layout and the card!

  3. girl...LMAO!!! i love this sooo much...i cannot wait to do one....i have them just haven't done it yet.... LOVE this....
    and that card! why can't i make cricut creations look as good as yours... i hate my cricut

  4. I love how you did the journaling on the 70s layout- I so need to do one like that!!!

    Your card is freaking AMAZING. Love it!

  5. Ha! I just love your BABE adorable and would have been one hot mama in the 70's....those pics are too fun :)

    And...that card is GORGEOUS!

  6. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I love this card. It's sort of like the little black dress with a nature twist. Beautiful!

  7. These just simply ROCK, my friend! I LOVE your school pic! LOL! You scrapped it PERFECTLY with the Hambly and the papers you chose! LOVE IT!

    Okay . . . and I just have to say that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE how you combined the red with those papers on that card. AMAZING! :D
