
Thursday, January 15, 2009

I resolve

You know I am not a resolution maker simply because I don't want to disappoint myself when they don't come to fruition. But when Noel presented this challenge to us I was a little wary -- but once I dedicated myself to it and decided to make these goals attainable it was simple and this layout was completed in less than 30 minutes -- seriously -- I love it when that happens!

Oh and thanks for those of you that linked up your cards --- they were awesome! And I chose Shanon as the winner of a fun RAK! So Shanon send me your info at!!

Thanks ladies!

Michelle Lanning


  1. I really love the way the pops of black bring out the color in this layout, Michelle! Gorgeous job! ;)

  2. This has such a fun whimsical feel to it! Great goals!!

  3. I just adore the 'structure' to this layout, and it's SUCH a pretty picture of you- you have great features that just pop in photos! Love all the bright colors here too. Fab girl!

  4. I love this page...please can I scraplift it?

  5. i agree with what the girls said....this is gorgeous
