
Sunday, July 5, 2009

Altering Away!

Good Sunday Morning Peeps. I hope everyone had a fabulous 4th of July. We sure did.

This week I am bringing you some altered items using the 5 foot 2 and eyes of bluekits.
There is only 1 main kit and 8 add on's left so if you want it now is the time to get it.

I made tis for my friends little girl to hold her ribbons and bows on. I know you can't see it but i have ribbon of all colors hanging from the bottom so she can clip them on and off easily. Now only will it be a ribbon holder but a cute piece to hang on her walls in her room for decoration.

This poor little fella here looked really bad before i got a hold of it. Remember those nasty "wood looking" frames but it was wood it was like that nasty contact paper covering it? yeah..well i peeled that mess off, sanded the real wood underneath it a bit and spray painted this baby with a semi gloss black paint (not digging the semi gloss all that much but i didn't realize it would be that time i will use satin spray paint) anyway.... i flipped that nasty dingy looking matte over and painted it an olive green. Cut some paper added a few embellishments put it back together minus the glass and now i have a nice piece to hang on my fireplace.

See you next week with 2 canvases :)

Happy Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. Oh girl....your mojo is on fire!!! Can I just say your family frame is one of the cutest things I have ever seen!! Perfection!
