
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Baby Blue Eyes

Here is a LO I finished up this morning after having it sit on my desk for nearly a week...(don't you hate when that happens)! ;-)
I used papers from the Five Foot Two and Eyes of Blue kits and added in a couple of AC photo corners, some Hambly rub ons, Blue and Silver thickers, and then used the brand new Melissa Frances Gems to border my circles! I wanted to play off of the "sparkle" in his eyes with the gems and tinsel thickers. This is from 52 sketches #27!

Hope you are all enjoying your weekends! Be sure to check back tomorrow as the August kit goes up for sale bright and early! This is a special kit for August...the first project kit I have ever put together, and it is pretty awesome. I had direction from our DT member Virginia, and as you can see from her work, she has quite the eye for detail and "special touches". Grab one for yourself, or to put together and give as a gift. The recipient will be a happy camper! :)

See you tomorrow

1 comment:

  1. Awwww! What a sweet baby pic!!! I love how you layered everything here and the sparkly gems are perfect with those baby blues! :D
