
Sunday, September 27, 2009

5 items for the challenge

i thought there for a moment i lost my mojo but it seems i stole Kim's :)

i could not WAIT to dive into the new halloween kit noel just released.
so naturally my 5 items came from this kit.

i don't know about you but i have tried many cutting systems and although Creative Memories is not my style i have to admit i love their cutting systems. Recently i bought the big mammy jammy circle came package in this cool cardboard with the circle already cut out. So i lifted the top took it out and IMMEDIATELY went to town on this. I think I will habg it on my door at work. If i hang it on the door at my house i get the evening sun and it is hot as hell so i think my stuff would fall off.

I took some bubble wrap and black paint and stamped all over the white cardboard then used the new circle cutter and cut the circle out of the purple paper and used the negative (i will use the circle on another layout) then i lined it with the black ribbon that came in the kit and went to town from there. I haven't yet but i will add a hanger to it and some more ribbon and then it will be fully finished.

Thanks for taking a peek and can't wait to see what you do for the current challenge.

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