
Monday, September 21, 2009

First Day of First Grade

I decided to use an earthy color scheme on this page of my daughter's first day of first grade. I really love the way the blues, browns, and red play off of each other.

I used the Melissa Frances Die Cut journal blocks as a mask before building my page. I attached them lightly to my page and then misted over them using Rock-a-fella Blue Spritz by Shimmerz. After a few minutes when my page was dry, I doodled around the resulting shape with a black pen for more definition. After building my page, I used these two masked areas as homes for my title and journaling.

As a final touch I added a bit of shine to the paper flowers using Antique Lace Shimmerz paint.

Page created with the Core Curriculum kit along with bits and baubles from past Noel Mignon kits.

Thanks for coming by!


  1. I love the masking technique here! So cool! Fabulous page!

  2. That looks awesome! When i saw this last night I was wondering what you did to create those negative spaces. :)

  3. Love this...the glimmer mist is fabulous! And I love what you did with the vintage chip tags.

  4. I love that masking technique- I am SOOO going to try that!
