
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Kindergarten Registration

Well school has officially begun! Although I wish I was that fast of a scrapper I'm not - LOL! This layout was done with a picture I took of Alyson this past Spring when I was registering her for Kinder. She is sitting in front of the school. Sniff..sniff...this day came too fast - but she is ready - that's for sure!

I used the Core Curriculum kit that sold out in one DAY! And I used my own stamps with embossing powder for the title. And as you can see I didn't plan the title out well - but ah well it adds to the layout right? (agree with me please).

I tucked my journaling in the library card pocket - love those! Do libraries still have those? Everywhere I go they are computerized!

Well I can't wait to see what you all created for this challenge.!

1 comment:

  1. Love your title - thought you did it like that on purpose. I know when my boys were just starting to write, they'd leave a letter out of a word all the time and go back and either squeeze it in or add it above the word. ;)
