
Monday, November 30, 2009

Sleigh Ride

Well when the Dear Santa kit made its way over to my house I was more than thrilled! All that yummy goodness to play with -- beautiful!

I started off by altering something - ack! I never do that! But I just had to have some of that pretty paper hanging out around the house instead of only on a scrap page.

I purchsed the sleigh for $1 and all the little festive branches and such for less than a buck each. Most of it I cut apart so I could fill up the sleigh. Oh and the bulbs are from my own stash. We had just brought the ornaments out and I ran for a couple before my daughter saw - heee.

For the paper part of this project I used 2 sheets of October afternoon paper. And I also dripped some glue on top and covered some parts with glitter so that it would look like snow. Fun right?

Also be sure to stop on over by the messagae board for all the Christmas goodness that the DT has put together:)

Have a wonderful Tuesday!

Michelle Lanning