
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

P.J. Pictures

Hello, Scrappy Friends! I'm here for a second time this week because Michelle and I traded spots. :)

Do you have a Christmas Pajama tradition at your house? I know that a lot of families do. :) It's so funny! Every year, my kids get sooooo excited that they get to open one present on Christmas Eve. That is . . . until they rip open the box and remember that mom & dad always give them a new pair of PJ's every year. LOL! What a deflating moment. :) Hehehehe! They get over it soon enough, though. Then they happily put them on and pose for a few snapshots. Traditions! Gotta love 'em!

New PJ's by Jana Eubank

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Ready for Santa by Jana Eubank

Both pages created with the Dear Santa kit.

Thanks for coming by!


  1. I love it! We do that too!!! Too funny, I just scrapped about this yesterday using the Dear Santa kit too!!! *giggles*

  2. Love these pages! And the reminder that I need to get new PJs this week!

  3. I think only scrapper do this because they want cute coordinating pictures on xmas! lol great lo's!
