
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Quick LO and Some Title Ideas!

I had this cute photo of my lil nephew from Christmas sitting on my desk. I decided to use my Mill Street kit. I love taking holiday photos and isolating some of them to use with non holiday papers. (Because honestly, I get a bit bored using Christmas papers for ALL of my Christmas photos!) Pretty simple, fast page!

I have to admit that titles just ain't my thing.....I struggle with them constantly.

And then it hit me like a ton of bricks! (pun totally intended here! LOL!) .......remember learning similes and metaphors in grade school? You know....making comparisons with things that normally you don't have a thing in common with?
Like.....Her Smile is as Sweet as a lullaby.
Her heart was as big as the moon.
Flaky as a snowstorm.
He moved like lightening.
He is a speeding bullet.
Smart as a whip.
Happy as a lark.
Easy as pie.
Right as rain.
Good as gold.
Sly as a fox.
A clean slate
Sends my thoughts soaring.
A world turned upside down.
Void in their heart.
Abandon the road.
Birds of a feather flock together.

I could list more......but instead here are a couple of websites for similes and metaphors. SoulfulExpressions, Similes

Have a great Wednesday!


  1. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is awesome michele!!! i love that adorable photo and thanks for the title tips too! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. gorgeous layout chele!!

    andi am with you on christmas paper..i get burned out as well...although i haven't scrapped much xmas yet so i am still good.

    thanks for the links to those websites i will definitly be using them...i struggle with titles as well

  3. Great idea!! I also like using non Christmas paper. Fabulous layout!!!

  4. love the background polka-dot paper!

    titling a page is my main struggle also.. i never know what to say.. most the time i just add more embelishments and hope "they" figure it all out, sometimes i hide a tag and write on it.. but its for sure hidden cause my hand writing is very scary!

    love your stuff

  5. What a cute page! And I LOVE your title tips!!! Awesome!!!
