
Monday, May 3, 2010

Using Your Stash!

Okay, I admit it. When it comes to a scrapbooking I am through-and-through a hoarder of supplies and tools, a "collector" if you will. :D Sound familiar?! Hehehe! ;)

Well, today I wanted to challenge myself to incorporate items from my stash onto my current page. I decided to pull out my acrylic stamps. I went through a feeding frenzy stage of collecting them, but rarely make myself pull them out. It's time to put those babies to good use!

BOBCAT by Jana Eubank

Page created with the Noel Mignon Playdate Kit (May 2010). Sketch inspiration provided by Sketch Challenges .

I used stamps to create my title, star page accents and a star border. And you know what?!! I had a blast with them! I need to make myself pull out my stamps more often!

How about you? Do you have a stamp stash that could use some dusting off?

Have a creative week!
Jana Eubank

P.S. DON'T FORGET to get your DT Applications in for the best kit club EVER!!! :D :D :D Just reminding you that the due date is May 10th . . . just a week away!

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