
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Scraplift Challenge

Hi there again everyone!!! Today I bring some wonderful
inspiration by Deanna aka DMisner! I LOVE her fresh clean
style and knew that she would be the first on my list to
scraplift. Here is one of her fantastic pages I decided to

I chose this particular page because of the wonderful design
and placement of everything. The photo is absolutely perfect
as well.

Here is my page! I twisted it a little to add my own touch
but totally kept the design concept in tact. This was such
a fun page to do and it came together quite quickly. Every-
thing clicked with this one thanks to you Deanna! LOL!
Thank you also to everyone for letting me share!
Until next time have a fantastic creating time!

Featured kit: SUN-KISSED


  1. Awww! Thanks Candice! what a compliment to be lifted by you! It's usually the other way around! Your page looks fantastic! love what you did!

  2. SO beautiful Candice!! Fantastic Lift!
