
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Tool Play: Acrylic Blocks!

Warning! The audio on this video is WONKY! You might want to turn the volume down a bit. I'm not a crazy yeller, I promise, I'm just havin' some issues with my webcam settings. Bear with me, ladies!


  1. what a FANTASTIC idea and I love your are the video goddess! I can't wait to see your LO with this!

  2. a much easier way to get the same result is to mask with a paper on the inside and stamp around it!!
    like your informations
    Marjo Brans

  3. Loved Loved the gorgeous Tute, I am going to try this fantastic tute, no muting here, you did a fantastic job hyped on coffee and stazon fumes, you made it look really easy. You had me right to the end, but then I am on TEAM Edward but in saying that I haven't yet seen New Moon or read Eclipse so maybe I will change my mind. Love Melissa (aussiescrapper)

  4. Melissa - you are the best!
    Noel - looks like we should start a goddess club!
    Marjo - You're absolutely right - I could have used a mask, but then I wouldn't be able to bring the acrylic block to the party! ;)

  5. GREAT idea, Britt! ;) Now I want to pull out all my circle-ish stamps and try this! :D
