
Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Good Bye and a Thank You

 Hey there!  Happy weekend!  This is a mighty hard post for me to write.  After MUCH thought I have made the tough decision of stepping down from the Noel Mignon Design Team.  It really is for no other reason than me wanting to stretch my wings in other areas of scrapbooking.  I truly owe Noel a grand THANK YOU for having faith in my abilities as a scrapbooker.  I truly have found my style in using Noel's Kits.  They have allowed me to try so many different styles and also helped me settle into the one I am now comfortable in.  She packs her kits to the brim and I tell you, there is nothing that goes unused.  And although I will not be a part of the Design Team anymore - I will still be hanging around the boards.  I get so much inspiration from all of you and the chatter there is truly a c"comfy" fit for me.

  Before I go, I want to share with you some of my favorite Noel Mignon layouts.

  I wont bore you with anymore - because I have lots of favorites. :)  Again, I just want to thank you Noel for such a wonderful ride and I have enjoyed every moment.  To my fellow DT  members - muuwahhh Love you all!  

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. All the best Michelle, will miss your wonderful work. Love Melxx

  2. Wow Michelle. What a shock! I'll truly miss gawking at the amazing LOs you make with Noel's kits! I wish you all the best and hope you do stay around on the boards. (((HUGS!)))

  3. Michelle, I dreaded this post. I'm gonna miss you girl! I wish you all the best!

  4. Wish you all the best Michelle, I will be missing your inspiration with the kits. I am excited to see what new ventures you will be up to.

  5. You will be missed greatly! I love your layouts and your a great inspration!

  6. You will be missed - your work is always such an inspiration!

  7. Love your work Michelle! Really hate to see you leave.

  8. Michelle, your work is wonderful, I'll miss you in Noel's DT. All the best to you!

  9. Your work with Noel's kits has amazed and excited me every single month for the past few years. I will miss seeing them. Best wishes on your new adventures! Love ya, girl!

  10. Good luck with your next big adventures! Love your work! I'm sure I'll see you around! :)

  11. I was just introduced to Noel's kits and the site and your work is fabulous. I am going to bookmark this page just to keep looking at your work.

  12. Thank ALL of you so much!! It truly means a whole lot to me:)

  13. Michelle is how I discovered Noel's wonderful kits. Thanks for leading me here ;-) You will be missed greatly!!!

  14. Love seeing your work, Michelle! You do layers like no one else! We'll miss you very much!

  15. i'm with V...i have dreaded this post and jana's.... much love to you sista.... and good luck with all your happenings!!

