
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

hey everyone!!

I am so excited to be part of the Noel Mignon team! I've been getting Noel's kits for a while now and I've always been blown away by how all of the fun goodies come in each one. So to say that I was excited when she asked me to be part of her team was an understatement!

So here's a little bit about me...I'm a wife & stay home mom to my 2 school aged kids and our furry, 4-legged shepherd/retriever pup.  My husband and I are originally from Michigan and are now living in hot southern Georgia. I started scrapbooking when my daughter was just 3 weeks old. In fact, it was my step-mom that called me to see if I wanted to go take a class at the local scrapbook store. Well, 8 1/2 yrs later I am the one with the full-blown crafting addiction. And it's all her fault!!

Actually, I don't know what I would do without this hobby. I love to be able to get feelings and memories recorded for my family. When we look back on pages I made years ago you will inevitably hear one of us say 'I totally forgot about that' and 'Wow, remember that??'. I love that :) I also dabble in other crafts including sewing and it is no secret that I love to go thrifting and turn something outdated into something pretty!
(Playdate Kit)
Aside from my kids who give me endless inspiration for scrapping, we're a family that loves Disney so it is not uncommon to see me scrapping photos of our trips to see the Mouse. I made this latest page using the Sonoma County kit (sold out). The browns, yellows & blues worked perfectly for my pics of the resort we stayed at.

You can visit me over at my blog here. Be sure to come by and say hi!! Thanks again Noel for asking me to be a part of your team!!


  1. Welcome to the team Michelle! Your work is fantastic!! :)

  2. Congratulations Michelle!!
    You are an awesome artist!

  3. So glad you are joining us Michelle!!! Welcome to the team! Your work is amazing!!!

  4. oh girl..we have so much in common it's not even funny!!! welcome aboard....

  5. Huge Congrats Michelle! Your work is fantastic.

  6. Congratulations Michelle, I love your gorgeous style and look forward to seeing more of your beautiful works. Melxx

  7. Welcome Michelle! I love knowing a little about you and already has to realize that your works are beautiful, I'll go see your blog to know you more! Kisses!
