
Monday, August 23, 2010

My faves!

Just wanted to share quickly with you one of my very favorite things to do right now - back your titles! This is a great way to make your title stand out, even if you make it from scratch!

This is the layout I made for the Double Trouble Challenge a while back, and I keep making titles like this - Thickers backed with some kind of solid. In this case I used corrugated chipboard, and I love it! It makes your title seem far more anchored to the page and seems a little more special than just slapping your letters to the page and hoping the connect well.

So give it a shot! Try two or three different layers and see how you like it - can't wait to see what you come up with!

1 comment:

  1. How do you cut the corrugated chipboard backing??? You should make a little toutorial! Way cool texture! :)
