
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Simple Solutions

Happy hump day to all! I don't know about everyone else but
Wednesdays are the days that I am just waking up for the week.
Today I thought that I would share a few simple solutions for
things that you may have lying around but haven't a clue what
to use them for.
I had about five of these spoon/fork holders that I couldn't bare
to part with. The bright red is so delightful on them not to mention
what a waste that it would be tossing them. I have TONS of pencils
and little bits of goodies everywhere and thought these would be
perfect to store them all in. It keeps everything super neat and
within plain eye sight so I don't forget what it is that I have!
I remember getting one of these baby hair brushes for all of my little
ones and never knew what to do them. I ended up throwing away the
first two from my older kiddos but on accident found a use for the one
from Kyras birth.
A snazzy card holder. I have been seeing card holders of all kinds
around lately and had been wanting one or two of my own. I was
so happy when I just stuck a card in this brush just for a second
while reaching for something else. It dawned on me when I came
back that this would be the perfect card holder! Solution found!!!
Momenta Products
I also use these wooden doll holders for the same thing. If a project
has a little bit more weight to it they are perfect for the job!
Prima Products

Here is where I would love to involve everyone. If you have a simple
solution please feel free to share!!! We love hearing from you.
Until next time happy scrapping!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, what a wonderful creative mind you have, wow I need to think outside the square much more. Melxx
