
Friday, October 1, 2010

Want to see something cute?

I just had to share this cute project my 7 year old made yesterday. We have a rule in our house that the TV/Games do not go on until EVERYONE is done with homework. My son, Nick, got done before everyone else and was bored so he started going through some of my papers and asked if he could make "a kit" as he called it. I told him sure and printed him a photo he liked and off he went. Imagine my surprise when I came into the room about 1/2 hour later and found him working on this. :)

He did everything himself (pretty good for an 7 year old boy I thought)! He is going to start a scrapbook for his scouting adventures with his twin brother. He even said "Mom, this is so I know why you like doing this so much".

Just wanted to share... :)


  1. Oh. my. gosh. Noel. That is quite possibly the sweetest thing I've ever seen. Tell him he needs to be on the team! :) Precious!

  2. precious Noel! Love that he made this! Definitely a keeper (both him and the layout! ;) )

  3. That is a great layout! He even angled it which gave it awesome look to it :0 Tell him he has a future in this business;)
