
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

dreaming of a white Christmas

Here in the south all you can do is dream of a white Christmas. Because the chances of that happening are slim to none! Sometimes we get snow but not in December. I grew up in Michigan so I'm used to having snow every winter. It didn't always fall on Christmas but I remember the last winter we spent there 8 yrs ago. It was Christmas Eve and we went to midnight Mass. When we came out everything was covered in a blanket of fresh, white snow. It was absolutely beautiful.

So the other day when we had a few snow flurries it made me smile. And my kids were quite excited, too!
Layout created with the fabulous Bedford Falls kit. I added some red glitter thickers & tissue tape.
(I realized after I took this picture that I'm missing the dot to the letter 'i' in Christmas. oops)

1 comment:

  1. fabulous Michelle! i love how the rub-ons look on the striped paper!
