
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Remember-The Gift Challenge

Morning Everyone!! Have you all had a chance to check out the new challenge?! It is a really awesome one, with the most amazing prize ever!!! ;D I know I would love to win it! Be sure to hop over there and participate-cause this is one challenge prize you don't want to miss out on!

I am sharing with you today my LO for the challenge. We were supposed to scrap the best gift we ever received for Christmas. This was a little difficult for me because I was drawing a serious blank on gifts I have recieved!! LOL! So I took it a different way. I chose to do my LO about the influence my mother had on me in regards to the Holidays. She loved this time of year more than anything, and I grew up to do the same. There was always magic, and spirit and festivities! It just made her happy and she glowed because of it! I have many fond memories of the Holiday season because of her love for it. :D So this LO is thanking her for the wonderful gift of loving of Christmas the way she always did.

One thing I wanted to mention about this LO is that almost every single paper is from a Noel Mignon kit. And I am not talking previous Christmas kits, no I mean most of them are from Office Party, with a couple being from Dear Diary (still one left!) and Sweet Sue. :D I unfortunately didn't get Bedford Falls because I have soooo much Christmas stuff already, but couldn't help but notice how well some of the papers from the kits above worked for Christmas themes! Although, seeing what the girls have all done so far with the Bedford Falls kit, I am really REALLY wishing I had got it!!

Well that is all I have for you today! Hope everyone is well during this season! :D
Take care! And check out the challenge!!! :D