
Thursday, December 16, 2010

She's Crafty

*****This is your friendly remind to BACK UP YOUR PHOTOS! I use Picasa's web albums to store all my photos, and for a $5 a year, you can buy additional storage (which I did). It's really easy to update all your photos with, and it's been definitely reassuring this week. I've been having massive computer issues and I've been really glad to know that my photos are not only backed up on DVDs, but online too.

So- if you procrastinate doing it, right after Christmas is a good time to set up something. It's a fresh start to begin 2011 with, and back up all your precious memories from this year. :)

On to today's layout... if I can get it posted without my computer crashing! *rolling eyes*

Even though the topic of the layout isn't necessarily Christmas-related, I was able to use the Bedford Falls kit because I featured a holiday craft my 3 year old made.

I have a scrapbook my mom made of my preschool years and I have many little crafts that I made. They are some of my most favorite things in my album, and I want to pass on that legacy to my kiddos'.

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