
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Christmas Card Inspiration

Okay, okay, I know I scrapped a Christmas card last week, but I couldn't stop myself from scrapping another as I was picking the ones I wanted to keep and those that would be heading to the recycling bin (sad but true).

This one is of my friend Tammy's family - and aside from the horizontal shape, I love the vintage feel and the faux film look.

I used the Very Virginia kit with this one (my favorite as of late) and the colors were perfect for this particular card. Not to mention that since the pictures were already edited and printed, I just added a little embellishment, some mist and my journaling.

Hope this inspires you!



  1. I just love how you can add a few things to a page and give it such "life"...I can never do that. I want to be more like you! :)

  2. very very cool layout Stephanie!!
