
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Last Stop on the Blog Hop!

Hello there!
Well, if you made it here, then that means that you have navigated around all the other blogs and found your way to pick up your last letter and post up your unscrambled word in the comments section! You should have a total of 11 letters, including this one from the very last sneak...

Alrighty, now go ahead and post the word in the comments section and I will be back later tonight to announce 3 lucky winners who will get $10 off their kit purchase! I think this was a really fun way to do the sneaks...let me know what you think. Do you like the hop, or would you rather just do them on the boards and facebook?

Now, just a reminder...the kit goes up for sale first thing tomorrow morning. I will have a full reveal and contents list up too, and I certainly hope you fall in love with it as much as I have. The colors, patterns and textures are just so much fun. And we are going to have plenty of ideas for using up all your Truly Scrumptious goodies at the upcoming crop over on the message boards. I hope you all can find some time to come over and join in the fun.

I'll be back later tonight with a list of winners. Have a great day!


  1. SCRUMPTIOUS I am really loving this one! Love the colors with pinks and yellows and greens :) I am guessing at Brits letter P because hers is not up yet, but work calls so . . .
    loved the blog hop super fun way to do your sneaks. I am an instant gratification girl, so on the message board is just as fun to me. Both ways are good!!

  2. Yup SCRUMPTIOUS! Britt's letter was U- for some reason her post showed up on my dashboard last night so I was able to see it then even though I can't see her post now. Kit looks fabulous!! Blog hop was lots of fun, can't wait to get my kit :)

  3. Yes, I too figured it was SCRUMPTIOUS even with out the one letter! Noel, I just have to tell you this was truly a great idea for a blog hop and sneak peeks!! Loved it!! Can't wit to order my kit tomorrow!

  4. Took a bit of detective work to figure out which DT member was left after Britt (Gretchen). Going to go with SCRUMPTIOUS as well. This was a total blast. I enjoyed the blog hop and think we should do it again. This kit will work great for Claire's valentine Birthday pics :-)

  5. i came up with SCRUMPTIOUS too (even with that missing U!!!) I can't wait till tomorrow - that kit's awesome! Lynn

  6. Ok ladies, I have to admit that I couldn't get Britt's letter without your help since her blog is down, thank you. I love the sneak peeks and I'm excited to see the reveal of this SCRUMPTIOUS (secret word) kit.

  7. Scrumptious! I am loving this! Had so much fun! :D

  8. Ok with all the "clues" along the way and a little help in Britt's comment section..I too am going with SCRUMPTIOUS. I LOVED the blog hop! It was tons of fun and a great way to see all the sneaks!


    Nuff' said.

    LOL...the sneak peeks of the kit make me really look forward to tomorrow for the full reveal!

  10. SCRUMPTIOUS!!! Can't wait to see the whole thing. :)

  11. SCRUMPTIOUS is the word.. Great game Noel.....

  12. Truly it is "Scrumptious"! Looking forward to tomorrow already :)

  13. TRULY "Scrumptious"!!! What a fun hop, and I met so many new and talented crafters along the way! Can't wait to see more than just a PEEK tomorrow!

  14. The secret word is "Scrumptious"! How cute! Loved the blog hop! Love the sneaks! Looking forward to seeing the entire kit tomorrow!

  15. Scrumptious Scrumptious Scrumptious is the final word! I think once i got to Britt's blog i was redirected somehow to Kim's blog and posted a comment there again for Britt anywho this was absolutely a fun thing to do Noel with the little sneak peeks and the hop...thanks for the chance to win and looking forward to hopefully having the time to do more fun things like this again! YAY FRIDAY!!!

  16. I made it. The word is SCRUMPTIOUS and this kit really is! I love the colors and the extras, such as the liquid pearls have me really excited! I cannot wait to see the whole thing tomorrow!

  17. The word is...
    Just like this kit! Love the liquid pearl and can't wait for the kit! What a fun blog hop!!!

  18. My scrambled letters reveal Scrumptious!! WHat fun this was I love to read new blogs. Thanks for the blog hop. I really enjoyed playing along!! Good luck everyone!!

  19. Scrumptious is the word!! Fun sneak peeks, can't wait to see the whole thing!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. The magic word is "SCRUMPTIOUS"!!! I really enjoyed the hop. Not only was if fun to see peeks at each stop, but I also had time to lurk around each members blog and... my goodness these ladies are inspiring! Thanks so much for giving us little sweet peeks in such a fun way!

  22. SCRUMPTIOUS!!! Thanks for putting on the blog hop. I enjoyed checking out the design team members blogs along the way.

    Thanks for all of your inspiration everyone!

  23. K sorry if my post #1 confused you all :) I finally got to Britt and Gretchen's Blogs :) Still got the SCRUMPTIOUS sneak peeks and am loving this kit!! thanks

  24. This kit is absolutely "SCRUMPTIOUS"!!!! Love love love it.

  25. Scrumptious!!! Yes, indeed! This was so fun, Noel. I love doing the sneaks this way! You are one awesome kit maker.

  26. KNEW IT...almost from the start! Clever people at Noel M. ! It was fun. this kit...LOVE IT!

  27. Got it! Scrumptious. And that is what these sneaks truly are! Can't wait to see the kit. I loved the blog hop. I couldn't wait to see the next kit

  28. SCRUPTIOUS is the word!! loved all the sneaks!!

  29. SCRUMPTIOUS is the word! I LOVE this kit (from what I see)...I need it! LOL!

  30. SCRUMPTIOUS is the word of course! What an fun & exciting Blog hop -- I really enjoyed it and looked forward to it all week.
    How fantastic to see the sneak of the Liquid pearls (I don't have that color & LOVE this versatile product!)and the Pink Paislee embellishments! Truly're truly, truly Scrumptious!

  31. The word is scrumptious & so is this kit from the looks of the sneaks!!! CAn't wait to see more! Thanks for sharing!

  32. scrumptious!! and it totally is :) This is such a beautiful kit. I've been holding back on buying any scrapbook stuff for a very long time. I'm thinking that it's time to begin again!!

  33. SCRUMPTIOUIS INDEED! LOVE the colors and embellies in this kit!!! Boy those liquid pearls are making my wallet itch. :)

  34. Scrumptious! It looks Truly....My first look at Noel Mignon's kits. Thsi was fun! Can't wait to place my order! Thanks.

  35. Woops! forgot to leave the word..."Scrumptious" from my 11am posting!

    Thanks again, it was fun.

  36. Scrumptious! Love the blog hop and seeing everyone's sneak peeks.

  37. Love how you did the sneaks!! I adore the colors in the kit -- can't wait to see it all tomorrow. Oh, yeah, and the word was


    I can't wait to see the full reveal. This kit looks fabulous!

  39. I had a feeling from the start the word was going to be scrumptious! Great blog hop! I hop you do this more often. It was fun to see so many sneaks!

  40. After the first few blog posts I wondered if it might be this word - SCRUMPTIOUS. :) Loved the fun blog hop and being able to see all the sneak peaks and DT blogs. Lots of fun! Looking forward to seeing the kit reveal tomorrow! Thanks!

  41. Fabulous kit it's just totally SCRUMPTIOUS!

  42. Oh Oh it's SCRUMPTIOUS.... just like this kit!


    I really liked this way of doing the sneaks! I was a lot of fun! I loved all the sneaks and visiting all the blogs. The word scramble was fun,too. Great idea Noel!!!

  44. Scrumptious, is aptly named! Loved the sneaks and seeing the DT blogs. Great inspiration.
