
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

the story of Tucker

In November we added a new pup to our family. It wasn't something that was planned. In fact, we took in this puppy sight unseen. Our sweet golden retriever Schuby passed away last summer and we knew that we wanted to get another dog (even thought we have another dog at home). But we thought maybe after the new year. And then my friend Kellie called me from her in-laws house in Chattanooga & said that their neighbor had taken in a golden retriever who had pups and did we want one. Well, as soon as she sent me a picture of this cute pup he was all mine!!

I used the Very Virginia kit for this layout. You might think this kit wouldn't be good for dog pics, that maybe it's more of a feminine kit. I don't think Tucker would think this layout of him looks girly at all ;) Goes to show you just how versitale Noel's kits are!

I sprayed some of the Maya Road mist on the My Mind's Eye paper. I also used the chipboard letters as a mask for Tucker's name & then outlined with a black pen to make it stand out. All you have to do is put the chipboard letters on your paper (or whatever you want to use as a mask) and spray the mist. When it's dry, take the letters off!
After spraying my page with the mist, I also took the lid off and flicked some paint onto the paper. That's how you get some of those blobs on there. 

I hope you all are having a wonderful start to the new year!

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