
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

after school buds

This is an every day occurrence in our house during the week. Tucker (the pup) is my bud all day long until the kids come home from school. He is so excited to see the kids but most especially for my son to come home. 
He will bug him, jump on him, nibble his fingers and sniff his head until Ben plays with him. He won't's quite hilarious! And only right after school. This pup definitely loves his buddy Ben :)

Very Virginia kit used for this layout

ETA - Thanks to one of my blog readers I realized that I goofed up the last line of my journaling. I blame pregnancy brain! ha! But all is fixed now :)
This layout is based on the 'It Takes Two' challenge over at the challenge blog.

The challenge is to use 2 (and only 2 ) of each item on your layout...i.e., 2 patterned papers, 2 metal embellishments, 2 flowers, etc. 
Use whatever you want but you can only use 2. I found it to be a bit challenging at first but then when I figured out everything I wanted to use it was pretty easy! It actually forced me to create a pretty simple layout that I'm quite happy with.
So here's what I used:
2 pictures
2 cardstock (yellow for background & white for journaling)
2 patterned papers
2 buttons
2 metal brads
2 alphas
2 stickers
2 threads (white & blue/white in buttons)
2 die cuts
2 inks (black for date & brown for distressing)

Be sure to try this challenge & head over to the challenge blog for more details!

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