
Monday, September 19, 2011

A couple of things to share...

Happy Monday folks!
I've got a couple layouts to share today.

This first one I made a while ago using the Mary Ellen kit.
I made it for the layout tag game we (and by "we" I mean members of the message board here) played this summer.
Ever played with us before??
It's fun!
It's like a scrapbooking game of telephone!
Basically you start with an original layout that gets sent to the first person playing.
That person makes a layout inspired by the original layout.
Then the new layout is sent to the second person who creates a new layout inspired by that layout.
And it just continues on from there!
It is cool to see all the layouts created!
{if you want to play along with us, add your name to the list on this thread here}
Anywhoooo, here is the layout I created this time...

{made with the Mary Ellen kit}
This next layout I made with the Study Hall kit.
I know it is designed to be a school-ish kit.
But it doesn't have to be!
For instance, it works for sports layouts too!

That is my brother David.
He came into town to play in a little semi-pro tennis tournament.
He was the oldest guy in the draw by like 9-10 years.
And then he proceeded to beat 3 guys who currently play college tennis to win the tournament.
I love it!
OK I am done rambling!
Happy Monday!

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