
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Monday Inspiration (on Wednesday)

Have yall paid much attention to the cool "Monday Inspiration"
(or sometimes it is actually "Sunday Inspiration")
that Noel or Virginia have been putting up on the message board??
If you have not, you should really check it out!
It is, well, very inspirational!
This one, for example, from a couple of weeks ago is full of gorgeous purples and lavendars.
And here is one full of fabulous Mason jar ideas!

This week's post is a fun one!
It is all about movie posters!
Who would have ever thought that movie posters could provide great inspiration for scrapbooking?!
I always enjoy looking at these posts but I have to admit that I have not ever done anything with them.
Until now!
I challenged myself to take Noel's inspiration and use it to make something!
So I took this movie poster...

And I made this layout using the Homespun kit!

Cool, huh?!!

Inspired by a movie poster!
Inspired by the painted look of the red frame on the poster, I actually pulled out some paint to make the hearts on this page.
(haven't done that in quite a while).
I used a foam brush to paint the red hearts on white cardstock.
After they dried, I cut the hearts out of the cardstock, and
used them as embellishments for the layout.

So now here is a little challenge for you!
I am issuing you the same challenge I gave myself:
Use one of Noel or Virginia's inspirational posts to make something!
(you can look through this forum on the message board to find the inspiration posts)
And make sure to link up your projects here and tell us about them on the message board too!

We want to see them!
Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I LOVE what you did with your layout! Such a great idea to create the hearts! I love how this poster inspired you too! Love it all!
