
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Title work with Character *March Homespun*

Hello everyone!

Kimberly here, to share a new layout for my Thursday post. I wanted to show how you can utilize ALL the wonderful variety of alphabet in your kit, that can all be used together to make a wonderful title! :)
One of my favorite things to do, is create a title, combining different alphabets. It draws interest to the theme of your creations, and I love how it looks.

I LOVE these photographs of my Niece and Olivia together. It is a perfect example of their love for each other and the fun they have together. They were having a blast, and I got to capture it all! :)

Another thing I love doing with my layouts, is layering embellishments. To create dimension, I often use pop dots for this effect. On this layout I used pop dots behind the center photograph as well.

This layout was created using the lovely March kit (Homespun) favorite kit to date!...I realize I say this every month, but I LOVE that! Noel just keeps getting it SPOT on with designing FABULOUS kits for us to work with and create layouts with ease, and you can't help but love! Don't delay...grab a kit for yourself to enjoy!

Have a super DAY! I'll be back next Thursday to share another post, so stay tuned, and enjoy all the other FABULOUS creations the rest of the team shares daily here!